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Skills & Expertise


Software tools

Technical Skills

Spoken Languages

Soft skills

  • Python, Scikit-learn, Scipy, Matplotlib, Pandas, Numpy, Seaborn, Plotly, Yellowbrick-Visualisation, Vader-Sentiment, Textblob, Spacy, Twitter API, Tweepy, Gensim, Tensorflow ,Microsoft Excel, PowerBI, Top2Vec, BERTopic, Streamlit

  • Deep Learning (LSTM, GRU, CNN, Transformers), Classification (KNN, SVM, Random Forest, Xgboost, Decision Trees, Gradient Boosting, Logistic Regression), Clustering Analysis (K-Means, Hierarchical, Agglomerate, DBSCAN, LDA)

  • English & Mandarin Chinese

  • Eager to learn, Adaptive learner, Team problem solving, Negotiation, Analytical & Disciplined.


  • Data science

  • Data cleaning

  • Data analytics

  • Data visualisation

  • Exploratory data analysis & interpretation

  • Machine learning

  • Natural Language Processing

  • Strong verbal communication

  • Problem solving

  • Project management.

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